Renato from Belo Horizonte: City full of Colombians. I'm going to the stadium (3)

Renato Lima Santos Filho
Renato from Belo Horizonte
Renato from Belo Horizonte Renato Lima Santos Filho
In the week for the World Cup kick off is really, when I started to notice the mood changing.

Here you see the Mineirão (football stadium) and Mineirinho (Volleyball stadium), across the famous Pampulha lake.

The gym gets the team colours too:

Renato from Belo Horizonte
Renato from Belo Horizonte Renato Lima Santos Filho

Even though I was feeling sick, I went to watch the game at the FIFA Fan Fest. It was well organized. Even though a few things could be improved. Like having more cashiers and toilets.

I think I will return here frequently as I can park the car and take the bus to the stadium from here.

Renato from Belo Horizonte
Renato from Belo Horizonte Renato Lima Santos Filho

The Expominas space for the Fan Fest is great.

Renato from Belo Horizonte
Renato from Belo Horizonte Renato Lima Santos Filho

As Colombia, plays in Belo Horizonte on Saturday there were loads of Colombians watching the game here. It looks like as if they were supporting Brazil. ;)

Renato from Belo Horizonte
Renato from Belo Horizonte Renato Lima Santos Filho

Watch the reaction over Neymar goal!!!

Skank, famous rock and reggae band from Belo Horizonte performing after the game and celebrating

I heard of riots in the city centre that have been cause by a minority of troublemakers. They ran into pacific manifestations wearing masks and started breaking public buildings. I do not think this make them any better than the ones involved in all the World Cup problems like overspending and corruption. The World Cup on its own cannot be target as the cause of all Brazilian issues.

For example, while waiting to get access to the FIFA Fan Fest, many motorcycles were jumping the queue as if they had more rights than to the ones driving cars. The problem is that this way of thinking in Brazil (we call it "Brazilian way"), where it is smart to take advantage of situations. Later in time when people become politicians, they have the same patterns but now in a larger scale.

On the next post, I will write about the experience in my first match in the stadium for Colombia vs. Greece.

Check out Renato Lima's website here

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