Kivia froma Sao Paulo: Argentinians enjoyed Brazilians' defeat (14)

Kivia Mendonca Costa
Kivia from Sao Paulo
Kivia from Sao Paulo Kivia Mendonca Costa
Today in Sao Paulo Argentina plays against the Netherlands in the World Cup semifinal. Kivia will tell you what's going on the streets of SP.

Argentinians are happy than ever! After the seven goals Brazil took from Germany, they were very, very glad and loud to sing "Maradona is bigger than Pelé". Not to mention things like "even after years, we are still going to remember it". So basically four hours before the match the white and light blue colors were already taking São Paulo's streets. Netherland's fans were barely seen.

If even the rain couldn't stop the fans, I think it's gonna be different in the pitch. The trio Robben, Snejder and Van Persie are most likely to stop the Argentinian party. Well, at least they still have Messi, so it probably they won't take as many goals as us. Anyway, now Brazil is just on stand-by mode, wating to decide the third place with our neighbors.

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