Kivia from São Paulo: This goalkeeper... What's his name? We don't know, we call him "The Wall" (3)

Kivia Mendonca Costa
Kivia from Sao Paulo
Kivia from Sao Paulo Kivia Mendonca Costa
What a day! What a game! Although Brazil has clearly played better, the after-match talks here are all about Mexico. About the Mexican goalkeeper, more specifically, the … what's his name, by the way? Ok, I don't know, we don't know, we've been calling him “The Wall”.

The dude who just blocked all those goals that … for God's sake! Those goals were already there! In there! There, is all the throats in the bar I was. In the neighbor bar as well. Also in thousands and thousands of kilometers away, in Fortaleza.

Kivia from Sao Paulo
Kivia from Sao Paulo Kivia Mendonca Costa

My friend, that's it. I strongly believe that the whole country, from north to south, is speaking of that boy right now. And in São Paulo it's not different. Good conversation for a Tuesday evening, 7pm, actually. Better than the discussions about traffic jam in super crowded buses and metros. I'm sorry if I've been boring you with that, speaking about the traffic jams in São Paulo every time I write here. It's just that they happen every day, Saturadays, Mondays, holidays… they're just part of our lives here.

Back to the subject, yes, I believed Brazil would win! Something like 1:0. I met two friends I hand't see in years, literally, since I left to my round the world trip. It's funny this thing about being best friends with someone, not seeing each other for ages, and than just normally meeting for a match, a beer and a lot of noise. Brazil is such a noisy country! Music everywhere, people yelling songs, speaking loudly, laughing with all the teeth and corners of the eyes … awesome! So cool to travel through 60 countries and realize your country is a great place to live, after all.

We've first tried to go to the Fifa Fanfest area in São Paulo, but they didn't let us in. “Too many people inside”, they said. From above, I actually saw more people outside… anyway, the police is there and we know that in Brazil the police beat the people. Nevermind… We try to find a bar, but they were all full and we needed to get in the tip of our toes to see the player's heads. What the hell were they doing with their feet? We couldn't tell. About 10 minutes before the end of the first half, we finally found a bar where we could see the whole TV. We saw Neymar headind, Bernard running, Thiago Silva almost there. And we saw him, “The Wall”, stopping all of them. Stopping our vuvuzelas, our party mood. Better to leave the bar soon, go straight to the bus stop. Better to go quickly. It's almost 7pm and we know very well how the buses look like when it's 7pm.

Kivia from Sao Paulo
Kivia from Sao Paulo Kivia Mendonca Costa

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