Zuzana from Brasilia: Brazil X Colombia in Brasilia (8)

Zuzana Pytlikova Barbosa
Zuzana from Brasilia
Zuzana from Brasilia Zuzana Pytlikova Barbosa
Another victory for Brazil yesterday. Hopefully not the last one after the injury of Neymar and the yellow card of Thiago Silva.

Today we finally agreed to watch the game with our good friends, an international couple, who lives near by. We wanted to change the local and watch in another bar than we had watched the last matches, but all the bars in our neighborhood were so crowded, that we finished in the same bar again, arranging a table near the buffet, but just in front of the TV.
This time people were much more relaxed, because of the first goal already at the beginning of the match. But even though Brasil won, everyone is very concerned with the health of Neymar and the next game against Germany.

Just reading in news that Neymar is off the World Cup!!!! Serious injury!!! Soooo BAD !!!!:(((((

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